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Senate Must Act Now on Medicare Payment Cuts

It’s coming down to the wire. As Congress continues to fight over a number of year-end priorities, time is running out to address the looming Medicare payment cuts that, if not reversed, would have devastating consequences for Medicare patients and our health care system.

Tell your Senators to act NOW to protect America’s Medicare patients.

On January 1, 2022 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will drastically reduce payments for certain health care providers. If Congress does not act to stop these cuts before the end of the year, it will further strain practices that are still struggling to keep their doors open during the ongoing pandemic.

Thankfully there is momentum building on Capitol Hill! Last night the House of Representatives passed legislation that would stop these Medicare cuts from going into effect and the Senate is expected to vote on the legislation in the coming days.

Failure to act by the Senate is not an option – if these cuts are allowed to go into effect on January 1, it would lead to fewer primary care providers, limited access to specialists, a disruption in care and additional barriers to life-saving treatment. 

The Senate must act NOW to reverse these potentially devastating cuts!

Please take a moment and contact your Senators to tell them to cancel the cuts to protect the access to care for millions of Americans.


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